Tuesday 11 December 2012

Inpirtation for MITZYrock*


 I've researched music themed magazines and got a varierty of results. I liked the look of this front cover as i thought the font of the writing linked nicely with the tattoos on 'Lil Wayne'. Also the colours used aren't to overpowering as the white of his t-shorts blends with the background of the cover. However i think this magazine would only really appeal to people that are interested in 'rap' as 'Lil Wayne' is a well known rapper and as he is the only image of on the cover then this wil attract that specific audience.

This cover appeals to me much more as its not based on any music genre in particular. I like the fact that the model on the front isnt a big, well known pop singer and so this opens the target market out much wider. I like this idea and i am thinking of doing something like this for my magazine as obviously im not going to be able to contact a big pop singer and ask them to model for my front cover so instead im getting a friend to be photographed. i like the fact the the front is quite 'rock chick' as the makeup on the model and clothes are quite dark and 'punky'.

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